This pri­vacy state­ment was last up­dated on 10. Fe­bruar 2024 and ap­plies to ci­ti­zens and le­gal per­ma­nent re­si­dents of the Eu­ro­pean Eco­no­mic Area and Switz­er­land.

In this pri­vacy state­ment, we ex­plain what we do with the data we ob­tain about you via We re­com­mend you carefully read this state­ment. In our pro­ces­sing we com­ply with the re­qui­re­ments of pri­vacy le­gis­la­tion. That me­ans, among other things, that:

  • we cle­arly state the pur­po­ses for which we pro­cess per­so­nal data. We do this by me­ans of this pri­vacy state­ment;
  • we aim to li­mit our coll­ec­tion of per­so­nal data to only the per­so­nal data re­qui­red for le­gi­ti­mate pur­po­ses;
  • we first re­quest your ex­pli­cit con­sent to pro­cess your per­so­nal data in ca­ses re­qui­ring your con­sent;
  • we take ap­pro­priate se­cu­rity me­a­su­res to pro­tect your per­so­nal data and also re­quire this from par­ties that pro­cess per­so­nal data on our be­half;
  • we re­spect your right to ac­cess your per­so­nal data or have it cor­rec­ted or de­le­ted, at your re­quest.

If you have any ques­ti­ons, or want to know exactly what data we keep of you, please cont­act us.

1. Purpose, data and retention period

We may coll­ect or re­ceive per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion for a num­ber of pur­po­ses con­nec­ted with our busi­ness ope­ra­ti­ons which may in­clude the fol­lo­wing: (click to ex­pand)

2. Sharing with other parties

We only share this data with pro­ces­sors and with other third par­ties for which con­sent must be ob­tai­ned.


Name: Google
Name: Neuer Ver­ar­bei­ter
Name: Neuer Ver­ar­bei­ter
Name: Neuer Ver­ar­bei­ter
Name: Neuer Ver­ar­bei­ter

3. Cookies

To pro­vide the best ex­pe­ri­en­ces, we and our part­ners use tech­no­lo­gies like coo­kies to store and/​or ac­cess de­vice in­for­ma­tion. Con­sen­ting to these tech­no­lo­gies will al­low us and our part­ners to pro­cess per­so­nal data such as brow­sing be­ha­vior or uni­que IDs on this site. Not con­sen­ting or wi­th­dra­wing con­sent, may ad­ver­sely af­fect cer­tain fea­tures and func­tions. For more in­for­ma­tion about these tech­no­lo­gies and part­ners, please re­fer to our Coo­kie Po­licy

4. Disclosure practices

We dis­c­lose per­so­nal in­for­ma­tion if we are re­qui­red by law or by a court or­der, in re­sponse to a law en­force­ment agency, to the ext­ent per­mit­ted un­der other pro­vi­si­ons of law, to pro­vide in­for­ma­tion, or for an in­ves­ti­ga­tion on a mat­ter re­la­ted to pu­blic safety.

If our web­site or or­ga­ni­sa­tion is ta­ken over, sold, or in­vol­ved in a mer­ger or ac­qui­si­tion, your de­tails may be dis­c­lo­sed to our ad­vi­sers and any pro­s­pec­tive purcha­sers and will be pas­sed on to the new ow­ners.

tra­vel by tropf par­ti­ci­pa­tes in the IAB Eu­rope Trans­pa­rency & Con­sent Frame­work and com­plies with its Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and Po­li­cies. It uses the Con­sent Ma­nage­ment Plat­form with the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber 332. 

We have con­cluded a data Pro­ces­sing Agree­ment with Google.

Google may not use the data for any other Google ser­vices.

The in­clu­sion of full IP ad­dres­ses is blo­cked by us.

5. Security

We are com­mit­ted to the se­cu­rity of per­so­nal data. We take ap­pro­priate se­cu­rity me­a­su­res to li­mit ab­use of and un­aut­ho­ri­zed ac­cess to per­so­nal data. This en­su­res that only the ne­ces­sary per­sons have ac­cess to your data, that ac­cess to the data is pro­tec­ted, and that our se­cu­rity me­a­su­res are re­gu­larly re­viewed.

6. Third-party websites

This pri­vacy state­ment does not ap­ply to third-party web­sites con­nec­ted by links on our web­site. We can­not gua­ran­tee that these third par­ties handle your per­so­nal data in a re­lia­ble or se­cure man­ner. We re­com­mend you read the pri­vacy state­ments of these web­sites prior to ma­king use of these web­sites.

7. Amendments to this privacy statement

We re­serve the right to make amend­ments to this pri­vacy state­ment. It is re­com­men­ded that you con­sult this pri­vacy state­ment re­gu­larly in or­der to be aware of any ch­an­ges. In ad­di­tion, we will ac­tively in­form you whe­re­ver pos­si­ble.

8. Accessing and modifying your data

If you have any ques­ti­ons or want to know which per­so­nal data we have about you, please cont­act us. You can cont­act us by using the in­for­ma­tion be­low. You have the fol­lo­wing rights:

  • You have the right to know why your per­so­nal data is nee­ded, what will hap­pen to it, and how long it will be re­tai­ned for.
  • Right of ac­cess: You have the right to ac­cess your per­so­nal data that is known to us.
  • Right to rec­ti­fi­ca­tion: you have the right to sup­ple­ment, cor­rect, have de­le­ted or blo­cked your per­so­nal data when­ever you wish.
  • If you give us your con­sent to pro­cess your data, you have the right to re­voke that con­sent and to have your per­so­nal data de­le­ted.
  • Right to trans­fer your data: you have the right to re­quest all your per­so­nal data from the con­trol­ler and trans­fer it in its en­ti­rety to an­o­ther con­trol­ler.
  • Right to ob­ject: you may ob­ject to the pro­ces­sing of your data. We com­ply with this, un­less there are ju­s­ti­fied grounds for pro­ces­sing.

Please make sure to al­ways cle­arly state who you are, so that we can be cer­tain that we do not mo­dify or de­lete any data of the wrong per­son.

9. Submitting a complaint

If you are not sa­tis­fied with the way in which we handle (a com­plaint about) the pro­ces­sing of your per­so­nal data, you have the right to sub­mit a com­plaint to the Data Pro­tec­tion Aut­ho­rity.

10. Data Protection Officer

Our Data Pro­tec­tion Of­fi­cer has been re­gis­tered with the data pro­tec­tion aut­ho­rity in an EU Mem­ber State. If you have any ques­ti­ons or re­quests with re­spect to this pri­vacy state­ment or for the Data Pro­tec­tion Of­fi­cer, you may cont­act Wolf­gang Tropf, via or or by te­le­phone on +436601019321

11. Contact details

tra­vel by tropf
Schanz­straße 9/​6
3390 Melk
Phone num­ber: +436601019321

12. Data Requests

For the most fre­quently sub­mit­ted re­quests, we also of­fer you the pos­si­bi­lity to use our data re­quest form




Welche Daten Mailster von deinen Abonnenten sammelt


Wenn du un­se­ren News­let­ter abon­niert hast, er­hältst du mög­li­cher­weise E‑Mails von uns. Dies um­fasst un­ter an­de­rem Trans­ak­ti­ons- und Mar­ke­ting-E-Mails.

Wir sen­den nur E‑Mails, für die du dich ex­pli­zit oder im­pli­zit (Re­gis­trie­rung, Pro­dukt­kauf etc.) an­ge­mel­det hast.

Bei der An­mel­dung sam­meln wir deine E‑Mail Adresse, Ihr Name, deine ak­tu­elle IP-Adresse und den Zeit­stem­pel der An­mel­dung, deine IP-Adresse und den Zeit­stem­pel, wenn du dein Abon­ne­ment be­stä­tigt hast und die ak­tu­elle Web­adresse, wo du dich an­ge­mel­det hast.

Wir ver­sen­den un­sere E‑Mails über ei­nen Dienst na­mens mail­jet

So­bald du eine E‑Mail von uns be­kommst, tra­cken wir wenn du die E‑Mail in dei­nem E‑­Mail-Pro­gramm öff­nest, wenn du auf ei­nen Link in der E‑Mail klickst, deine ak­tu­elle IP-Adresse.

Shariff Wrapper

Social-Media-Plugin „Shariff Wrapper“

Wir bie­ten Ih­nen auf un­se­rer Web­site die Mög­lich­keit zur Nut­zung von so­ge­nann­ten „So­cial-Me­dia-But­tons“ an. Zum Schutz Ih­rer Da­ten set­zen wir bei der Im­ple­men­tie­rung auf die Lö­sung „Sha­riff“. Hier­durch wer­den diese But­tons auf un­se­rer Seite le­dig­lich als sta­ti­sche Gra­fik ein­ge­bun­den, die eine Ver­lin­kung auf die ent­spre­chende Web­site des An­bie­ters ent­hält. Durch das An­kli­cken der Gra­fik wer­den Sie so­mit zu der Web­site des je­wei­li­gen An­bie­ters wei­ter­ge­lei­tet, ge­nauso wie es auch bei nor­ma­len Links funk­tio­niert. Erst beim Auf­ruf der Web­site des An­bie­ters er­hält die­ser In­for­ma­tio­nen über Sie, wie zum Bei­spiel Ihre IP-Adresse. So­fern Sie die But­ton-Gra­fi­ken nicht an­kli­cken, fin­det kei­ner­lei Da­ten­aus­tausch statt. In­for­ma­tio­nen über die Er­he­bung und Ver­wen­dung Ih­rer Da­ten in den so­zia­len Netz­wer­ken fin­den Sie in den je­wei­li­gen Nut­zungs­be­din­gun­gen der ent­spre­chen­den An­bie­ter. Mehr In­for­ma­tio­nen über das Plugin und zur Sha­riff-Lö­sung fin­den Sie hier: Wir bie­ten auf un­se­rer Web­site But­tons für die fol­gen­den Dienste /​ Un­ter­neh­men an: AddThis, Bit­coin, Buf­fer, Dia­spora, Face­book, Flip­board, Lin­ke­dIn, Mast­o­don, MeWe, Od­no­klass­niki, Pa­treon, Pay­Pal, Pin­te­rest, Po­cket, Red­dit, Stumb­leu­pon, Te­le­gram, Th­reema, Tumblr, Twit­ter, VK, Wal­la­bag, Weibo, Whats­App, Xing.


wp-Ty­po­gra­phy selbst spei­chert, über­trägt oder ver­ar­bei­tet keine per­so­nen­be­zo­ge­nen Da­ten. Es cacht den In­halt der Web­site-Bei­träge. Falls nö­tig, kannst du die­sen Cache über die Ein­stel­lungs­seite des Plug­ins lö­schen.

Really Simple SSL

Re­ally Simple SSL und Re­ally Simple SSL Add-ons ver­ar­bei­ten keine per­so­nen­be­zo­ge­nen Da­ten, so dass die DSGVO bei die­sen Plug­ins oder die Be­nut­zung die­ser Plug­ins auf dei­ner Web­site keine An­wen­dung fin­det. Du fin­dest un­sere Da­ten­schutz­er­klä­rung hier.

Complianz | The Privacy Suite for WordPress

Diese Web­site ver­wen­det die Pri­vacy Suite für Word­Press von Com­pli­anz, um Da­ten­sätze über Ein­wil­li­gun­gen zu sam­meln. Für diese Funk­tio­na­li­tät wird deine IP-Adresse an­ony­mi­siert und in un­se­rer Da­ten­bank ge­spei­chert. Wei­tere In­for­ma­tio­nen fin­dest du in der Com­pli­anz Da­ten­schutz­er­klä­rung.

Loco Translate

Die­ses Plugin sam­melt kei­ner­lei Da­ten von Be­su­chern die­ser Web­site. Ad­mi­nis­tra­to­ren und Au­di­to­ren kön­nen die Da­ten­schutz­er­klä­rung des Loco-Trans­late-Plug­ins ein­se­hen.